Mitsubishi Electronics DX-TL16U 用户手册

页码 89
User’s Manual 
Highlight the box beside Format for the desired storage device and press 
 button.  You will be able to format the device for recording.  When 
selecting Not Using from Use As and highlighting the Format button, the 
device will not be used for recording.  Selecting Close and pressing the 
button exits the screen.  You can also set aside space to store temporary files 
for CD or DVD burning by selecting Partition – CD/DVD Burn. 
The box beside Recorded Data – From / To displays the time information of recorded data.
Clear All Data… and pressing the 
 button will clear all video data.  You will be asked to verify that you 
wish to clear all data before the DVR erases the video data.  Clear All Data… will not clear the System Log. 
You can save your Storage changes by highlighting Save and pressing the 
 button.  Selecting Cancel 
exits the screen without saving the changes. 
Monitoring Settings (SYSTEM 
 Monitoring Tab) 
The DVR can be configured to run self-diagnostics and report the results, and also can be set to react to 
system events. 
Figure 9 
─ Monitoring setup screen. 
Highlighting the Settings box beside System and pressing the 
 button allows you to select the interval 
that you want the DVR to run self-diagnostics on the system.  You can select from 1 hr. to 30 days or Never. 
Highlighting the Settings box beside Check Recording and pressing the 
 button displays the Check 
Recording setup screen. 
Highlighting Schedule On and pressing the 
 button toggles On 
and Off.  When set to On, you can select the day, time range and 
interval that you want the DVR to run self-diagnostics on the recorder.  
The Interval can be selectable from 1 min. to 7 days or Off.  The 
 box allows you to delete a check recording schedule.