Mitsubishi Electronics SW2D5C-GTD2-E 用户手册

页码 234
6 - 17
6.6   Mail Function
6.6.4   Sending e-mail
Sending e-mail
When e-mail is sent from GT SoftGOT1000 to the target device, the reception header part shown at the 
destination displays a message that shows that the e-mail is from GT SoftGOT1000.
Example of display in the reception header part at the destination
Precautions for mail sending
The format and contents of the display of e-mail sent vary depending on the mailer 
specifications used at the destination.
When e-mail is sent to a mobile phone, the display may vary depending on the 
specifications (screen size) of the mobile phone.
GT SoftGOT1000 can send up to 64 e-mails at once. 
(1) When sending e-mail using the alarm history display function
If an alarm occurs in GT SoftGOT1000, the time and information of the alarm are sent to the 
destination by e-mail.
Moreover, if the alarm recovers, the time and information of the alarm recovery are sent to the 
destination by e-mail.
For the details of the alarm history display functions, refer to the GT Designer2 Version  Screen 
Design Manual.
(a) Example of the header part display in the mail send destination when an alarm occurred
1)The comment entered in the alarm history display function is displayed.
2)The content of detailed display entered in the alarm history display function is displayed.
[Detailed Information] is not displayed if the detail display setting of the alarm history display 
function has not been made or if it has been made to the base screen or window screen.
[detail comment nothing] appears under [Detailed Information]
Set the details to be displayed in the comment window in order to display the [Detailed 
Subject:GT SoftGOT1000 Mail.
X-Mailer:GT SoftGOT1000(Version 2)
[Alarm history: Occurrence Notification]
[Occurrence Data and Time]
 2005/10/12 14:23:13
[Alarm Information]
An error occurred in the tank.
[Detailed Information] 
The hydraulic pressure of tank is low.