Xerox 721P90350 用户手册

页码 216
Submitting print jobs from Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0
Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
Using the document name as the job name
Follow these steps:
1. From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab. 
2. Click to check the Use Document Name as the Job Name 
check box.
NOTE:  With this option selected, the Job Name field under the 
job Notes tab cannot be modified.
Writing Account information when saving the job ticket
Follow these steps:
1. From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab. 
2. Click to check the Write the Account When Saving the Job 
Ticket check box.
NOTE:  With this option selected, Account information is saved 
with the job ticket when saving the job ticket (1) to a file; and (2) 
with the active document.
Clear the check box if you do not want Account information to be 
saved with the job ticket.
Specifying a generic job ticket
Follow these steps:
1. From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab. 
2. Click to check the Use Generic Job Ticket check box.  This 
gets all parameters to their default settings for the selected 
printer model.
Specifying the unit of measurement for paper size
Follow these steps:
1. From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab. 
2. Click Inches or Millimeters under Custom Size Paper Units.
Specifying the unit of measurement for image shift units
Follow these steps:
1. From the Setup window, click the [Preferences] tab. 
2. Click Inches or Millimeters under Image Shift Units.