RAD Data comm MBE10-1 用户手册

页码 58
Chapter 1  Introduction 
MBE Family Installation and Operation Manual 
1-2 Overview
•  MBE10-8D is a dual WAN-port router/bridge, As a bridge, it allows connection 
of two remote Ethernet LANs, each consisting of up to 80 workstations to a 
central Ethernet LAN. As a router, it allows connection of a remote Ethernet 
The MBE serial link interface options are: V.35, V.24/RS-232, V.36/RS-422, X.21, 
RS-530, 4W, ISDN and CSU/DSU. 
MBE can be used in a wide range of applications, employing diverse 
communication links and LAN equipment. For more details on typical MBE 
applications, see the 
LAN RANger Series Configuration Guide
Routing and Bridging Support 
The MBE Family supports remote access routing and bridging for connecting 
remote PCs or LANs to a central LAN over a wide variety of WAN interfaces and 
services. This includes ISDN, Frame Relay, Leased Line, dial-up modems, and 
Routing and bridging are performed on a link-by-link basis. There are no bridging 
or routing limitations on the central LAN. However, additional bridges should not 
be connected to the remote LAN. 
•  Router links can operate opposite any PPP standard compliant device, 
including third party routers and software-based PPP dialers, such as 
Windows 95. 
•  Bridge links are transparent to Layer 3 protocols, such as NetBIOS and 
A backup link may be defined, which will be automatically activated if a failure 
occurs on the main link. 
Setup and configuration can be carried out from an ASCII terminal or PC terminal 
emulator connected to the control port, from any SNMP management station, 
such as RADview, or through TELNET (see the
 LAN RANger Series Configuration 
IP/IPX Support 
Internet Protocol (IP) specifies support or MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) 
fragmentation and reassembly of packets to form datagrams. The MTU defines the 
limit on fragment size transmitted on a physical network. The local terminal must 
support the reassembly of IP packets in order to read the IP datagram.    
MBE supports networks that have multiple IP nets on the LAN. 
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