Renesas M16C PC4701 用户手册

页码 294 Debug 
monitor's bank address settings 
This product allocates a 64-Kbyte contiguous address area as the emulator's work area for use by the 
debug monitor. 
Specify any bank that the target system does not use. The debug monitor uses a 64-Kbyte area from 
the start address of the specified bank. 
(Example: If the specified bank is "F0," then the debug monitor uses a 64-Kbyte area beginning with 
address F000000h.) 
The bank specified here cannot have its contents referenced or set. 
The contents of this area when displayed in the Memory window or the Program/Source window's 
disassemble display mode may not be correct. 
The following bank addresses cannot be specified:   
MCU internal resources (e.g., SFR and RAM areas)   
DRAM area and multiplexed area   
Interrupt vector area Automatic 
emulation memory allocation for the internal ROM 
When single-chip or memory extension mode is selected, emulation memory is automatically allocated 
to the internal ROM area. 
The automatically allocated internal ROM address range is displayed in this field. 
Emulation memory allocation for an extended area 
When memory extension or microprocessor mode is selected, emulation memory can be allocated to 
the extended area to be debugged (in up to four areas). 
Here, allocate memory for the debug target area and specify its mapping information.