Lexmark 5770 用户手册

页码 96
application software
A software product, such as a spreadsheet or 
word processing program, that is designed for 
use on a personal computer.
Air Brush
Air Brush is a name for a modified Floyd-
Steinberg Error-Diffusion, sometimes called the 
diffusion or scatter style of printing.
When images are printed using the dithering 
selections from the halftoning area, the printer 
driver uses a matrix of dots to represent the 
image. You may need to experiment to find the 
halftone best suitable for a particular picture. In 
most cases, the Air Brush setting produces the 
best results.
see printer driver.
fine dither
A halftone method used for detailed graphics 
with limited shading.
A set of characters of a given size and style.
An array in which dots are placed to simulate 
colors and shades of gray.
hard drive
A stand-alone hardware unit that offers 
additional data storage for your computer and 
can read and store data on diskettes. Also called 
hard disk or fixed disk drive.
5700.book : glossary.fm  Page 83  Thursday, July 16, 1998  3:49 PM