Garmin Rino 120 用户手册

页码 124
 120 Owner’s Manual
 'N G
Finding an Address or Intersection
You can enter a street number, choose a street name 
from a list and find an address within the area of map 
data coverage or enter two street names and locate the 
intersection. To use these options, however, you must be 
using a MapSource product that provides this type of  
map data. 
To locate an address:
1.  Use the 
Thumb Stick to highlight Address and 
press it In to display the Find Address Page. 
2.  Highlight the 
Number field and use the keyboard 
for entering numbers.
Entering an Address
3.  Move to the 
Street field using the Thumb Stick
4.  Press the 
Thumb Stick In to display the Select 
Street Name list. Find the street by using the 
keyboard to enter characters until a list appears.
5.  With the desired street highlighted, press the 
Thumb Stick In to place the street name on the 
Find Address Page. Repeat this process for city 
and postal codes, if desired. A window at the 
bottom of the page displays a list of matches and 
the quality of each match. You may also use the 
Option Menu to 
Clear CityClear Postal Code, or 
Clear All.
6.  Use the on-screen buttons at the bottom of the 
page to 
Goto, view the item on the MapOK to 
close, or use the Option Menu for other choices.