Honeywell HD-16DVR-C 用户手册

页码 169
Overview and Controls 
Implement special control operation such as double click one item in the file 
list to playback the video. 
Double left 
click mouse  
In multiple-window mode, double left click one channel to view in full-window.  
Double left click current video again to go back to previous multiple-window 
In real-time monitor mode, the shortcut menu will appear: one-window, four-
windows, eight-window, nine-windows and sixteen-windows, Pan/Tilt/Zoom, 
color setting, search, record, alarm input, alarm output, and main menu. 
Among which, Pan/Tilt/Zoom and color setting applies for the current selected 
channel. If you are in multiple-window mode, the system automatically 
switches to the corresponding channel.   
Right click 
Exit current menu without saving the modification. 
In numeral input box:  Increase or decrease numerical value. 
Switch the items in the check box. 
Press middle 
 Page up or page down  
Move mouse  
Selects current control or move control 
Selects motion detection zone 
Drag mouse  
Selects privacy mask zone.