Avaya 16-601443 用户手册

页码 142
Server Administration
44 Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones Administrator Guide
Avaya recommends that:
A minimum of two DHCP servers be available for reliability.
A DHCP server be available when the IP telephone reboots.
A DHCP server be available at remote sites if WAN failures isolate IP telephones from the 
central site DHCP server(s).
The file server provides the 1600 Series IP Telephone with a script file and, if appropriate, new 
or updated application software. See 
. In addition, you can edit an associated settings file to 
customize telephone parameters for your specific environment. For more information, see 
DHCP Server Administration
This document concentrates on the simplest case of the single LAN segment. Information 
provided here can be used for more complex LAN configurations.
Before you start, understand your current network configuration. An improper 
installation can cause network failures or reduce the reliability and performance 
of your network.
DHCP Generic Setup
This document is limited to describing a generic administration that works with the 1600 Series 
IP Telephones. Three DHCP software alternatives are common to Windows operating systems:
Windows NT
 4.0 DHCP Server
Windows 2000
 DHCP Server
Windows 2003
 DHCP Server