Lucent Technologies 4.1 用户手册

页码 363
The examples below show how to enter telephone numbers for an Allowed
Phone Number List in Step 4 of “Programming.” When an Allowed List is
assigned to an extension, users can dial numbers on that list, even if the
numbers would otherwise be restricted.
Specific Telephone Numbers. Enter the phone number exactly as you
would dial it. For example, to allow calls to the number 201 555-1111, make
the following entries:
Toll Call Prefix required
Toll Call Prefix not required
All Telephone Numbers in One Area Code. The following list entries allow
calls to the 800 area code:
Toll Call Prefix required
Toll Call Prefix not required
To create a list of Allowed Phone Numbers:
1 .
Press [
] [
] [
] [
 System Program 
] [
 System Program 
] [
] [
] [
] [
2 .
At the 
List Number: 
prompt, enter a list number (1–4). For exampIe, to
select list 1, press [
3 .
At the 
prompt, select a list entry (01–1 0). For example, to select the
first entry, press [
] [
4 .
At the 
prompt, enter the first telephone number.
5 .
To save the telephone number in memory,  you must press [
6 .
At this point:
To change the phone number you just entered, press [
] and
repeat Steps 4 and 5.
To delete the phone number you just entered, press [
To enter other phone numbers in this list, press [
 Next Item 
] and repeat
Steps 4 and 5.
To create another list, press [
 Next Procedure 
] [
 Prev Procedure 
] and go to Step 2.
7 .
Select another procedure using [
 Next Procedure 
] or [
 Prev Procedure 
] or exit
programming mode.
Allowed Phone Number Lists (#407)