SonicWALL 5.8.1 用户手册

页码 1490
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Chapter 29: 
Configuring Dynamic DNS
Network > Dynamic DNS
Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is a service provided by various companies and organizations that 
allows for dynamic changing IP addresses to automatically update DNS records without manual 
intervention. This service allows for network access using domain names rather than IP 
addresses, even when the target’s IP addresses change. For example, is a user has a DSL 
connection with a dynamically assigned IP address from the ISP, the user can use DDNS to 
register the IP address, and any subsequent address changes, with a DDNS service provider 
so that external hosts can reach it using an unchanging domain name.
Dynamic DNS implementations change from one service provider to another. There is no strict 
standard for the method of communication, for the types of records that can be registered, or 
for the types of services that can be offered. Some providers offer premium versions of their 
services, as well, for a fee. As such, supporting a particular DDNS provider requires explicit 
interoperability with that provider's specific implementation.
Most providers strongly prefer that DDNS records only be updated when IP address changes 
occur. Frequent updates, particularly when the registered IP address is unchanged, may be 
considered abuse by providers, and could result in your DDNS account getting locked out. 
Please refer to the use policies posted on the provider's pages, and abide by the guidelines. 
SonicWALL does not provide technical support for DDNS providers - the providers themselves 
must be contacted.