服务手册目录Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh1Basics2Overview3Rear Panel Connectors5Back Panel View6Connecting the Base Unit to the Main Unit8Sound System9Specifications10Processor11CPU11Memory12DRAM12ROM12VRAM13Cache13Clock/calendar13Disk Storage14Hard Drive14CD-ROM14Floppy Drive14I/O Interfaces15SCSI15Serial15Apple Desktop Bus15TV/Radio15Video Input16Sound16Sound Input Port (on back panel)16Video Audio Input Port (next to S-video port)17Expansion Slots17COMM II slot17PCI slot17Video slot18I/O Devices19Keyboard19Trackpad19Microphone19Video Support20Display20Graphics Modes Supported20Electrical21A/C Line Input Voltage21Input Line Frequency21Input Power21Power Supply DC Output21Sleep Mode21Physical22Main Unit22Bass Unit22Keyboard22Environmental23Operating Temperature23Storage Temperature23Relative Humidity23Altitude23User Manual24Part One: Getting Started24Chapter 1 Setting Up25Unpacking the equipment27Positioning the bass unit30Plugging in your equipment30Attaching the bass unit to the computer31Plugging in the power cord36Removing the port cover plate39Connecting your modem to a telephone jack41Replacing the port cover plate45Adjusting the keyboard (optional)46Repositioning the trackpad (optional)46Turning the computer on49Problems turning your computer on?51What’s next?51Chapter 2 Learning to Use Your Computer53Learning the basics53After you take the tutorial56Where to find answers57Four simple tips for using Guide effectively58Turning the computer off61Chapter 3 Using Software63Installing application programs63Installing applications over a network69Opening an application program and its documents69Working with several applications at a time69Five tips for using application programs effectively71About the software included with your computer72Backing up your files75Part Two: Communicating With Other Computers78Chapter 4 Connecting Your Computer to a Telephone Line79Types of equipment80About your computer’s modem82Using your modem83Chapter 5 Connecting to the Internet or an Online Service101About the Internet and its language101Using your modem to connect to an Internet service provider or an online service102What you can do on the Internet104Chapter 6 Connecting Your Computer to a Network107Where to find more information108Connecting to a LocalTalk network109Connecting to an Ethernet network113Setting up your network connection120Part Three: Multimedia130Chapter 7 Sound131Playing an audio or multimedia CD132Listening to FM radio136Connecting audio equipment140Using the built-in microphone144Adjusting the sound settings145Chapter 8 Video149Connecting video input equipment149Watching TV159Part Four: Expanding Your Computer’s Capabilities164Chapter 9 Connecting Additional Equipment164Your computer’s components and front panel controls167Your computer’s ports and power button169Connecting external SCSI devices171Connecting a SCSI device175Connecting a printer176Connecting an ADB input device179Securing your computer180Chapter 10 Installing Expansion Cards and Memory181About expansion cards183About memory184Opening the computer186Installing a PCI expansion card189Installing a communication card197Installing memory (DRAM)204Closing the computer207Part Five: Troubleshooting212Chapter 11 Start Here If Trouble Occurs213Step 1: Gather as much information as you can213Step 2: Restart your computer214Step 3: Check onscreen help, if you can215Step 4: Go to the next chapter, “Solutions to Common Problems”215Step 5: Use Apple System Profiler215Chapter 12 Solutions to Common Problems217Problems turning on or starting up your computer218Problems with application programs, documents, and memory225Problems with icons233Problems with CD-ROM discs and drives233Problems with floppy disks and floppy disk drives241Problems with hard disks244Problems with the trackpad or keyboard245Problems with your computer’s speed and performance248Problems with error messages251Problems with your printer251Problems with networks and file sharing253Problems using the microphone257Problems listening to the radio257Problems watching TV or video259Problems using the modem263Chapter 13 Techniques for Diagnosing and Solving Problems267Checking your system extensions267Testing your hard disk270Repairing a damaged hard disk or floppy disk272Initializing a hard disk275Starting up from the system software CD-ROM disc276Installing system software278Rebuilding your desktop294Part Six: Appendixes298Appendix A Health, Safety, and Maintenance Tips299Health-related information about computer use299Safety instructions305Handling your computer equipment306Cleaning your equipment313Appendix B Special Keys on Your Keyboard315Typing special characters and symbols319Special key combinations322Appendix C Using the Remote Control323Controlling TV or video324Controlling the FM radio325Controlling the CD-ROM drive326Setting preferences for the remote control327Appendix D Technical Information329Main unit329Index343A – AP343AP344AR – CA345CA – CO346CO – CY347D – EQ348EQ – EY349F – GE350GE – IN351IN – KE352L – MI353MI – NE354NO – PO355PO – QU356R – SA357SC – SO358SO – ST359ST – TE360TE – TR361TR – US362V – Z363Contents365Part I: Getting Started365Chapter 1 Setting Up365Chapter 2 Learning to Use Your Computer366Chapter 3 Using Software366Part II: Communicating With Other Computers366Chapter 4 Connecting Your Computer to a Telephone Line366Chapter 5 Connecting to the Internet or an Online Service366Chapter 6 Connecting Your Computer to a Network367Part III: Multimedia367Chapter 7 Sound367Chapter 8 Video367Part IV: Expanding Your Computer’s Capabilities367Chapter 9 Connecting Additional Equipment367Chapter 10 Installing Expansion Cards and Memory368Part V: Troubleshooting368Chapter 11 Start Here If Trouble Occurs368Chapter 12 Solutions to Common Problems368Chapter 13 Techniques for Diagnosing and Solving Problems369Part VI: Appendixes370Appendix A Health, Safety, and Maintenance Tips370Appendix B Special Keys on Your Keyboard370Appendix C Using the Remote Control370Appendix D Technical Information370文件大小: 12.5 MB页数: 377Language: English打开用户手册