Perle Systems Iolan Sds4 Hl Device Server 4030370 User Manual

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Serial Port Profiles
Session Strings
Controls the sending of ASCII strings to serial devices at session start and 
session termination as follows;
Send at Start - If configured, this string will be sent to the serial device on 
power-up of the IOLAN, or when a kill line command is issued on this 
serial port. If the "monitor DSR" or "monitor DCD" options are set, the 
string will also be sent when the monitored signal is raised. 
Range: 0-127 alpha-numeric characters. Non printable ascii characters 
must be entered in this format <027>. The decimal numbers within the 
brackets must be 3 digits long (example 003 not 3).
Send at End -  If configured, this string will be sent to the serial device 
when the TCP session on the LAN is terminated. If multihost is 
configured, this string will only be send in listen mode to the serial device 
when all multihost connections are terminated.
Range: 0-127 alpha-numeric characters. Non printable ascii characters 
must be entered in this format <027>. The decimal numbers within the 
brackets must be 3 digits long (example 003 not 3).
Delay after Send—If configured, a delay time is sent to the device. This 
delay can be used to provide the serial device with time to process the 
string before the session is initiated.
Range: 0-65535 ms
Default: 10 ms
Dial In
If the console port is remote and will be dialing in via modem or ISDN TA, 
enable this parameter.
Default: Disabled
Dial Out
If you want the modem to dial a number when the serial port is started, enable 
this parameter. 
Default: Disabled
Dial Timeout
The number of seconds the IOLAN will wait to establish a connection to a 
remote modem. 
Range: 1-99
Default: 45 seconds
Dial Retry
The number of times the IOLAN will attempt to re-establish a connection with 
a remote modem. 
Range: 0-99
The name of the predefined modem that is used on this line.
The phone number to use when 
Dial Out
 is enabled.