games-pc tom and jerry-fists of furry Manual De Usuario

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Please ensure that this game is compatible with your system.
This game is compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows XP and Windows ME and requires a minimum of a P2 233
processor, 12X CD Rom Drive, 64Mb Ram, at least 180Mb of free space
on hard disk, a DirectX 8 compliant 3D accelerated video card with at
least 16MB of memory.
Installing the game
Shut down all applications before installing Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry.
Insert the installation CD for Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry in the CD-ROM
drive. If the automatic execution function is turned on, the installation
menu for Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry appears automatically. 
If the automatic execution function is not turned on, double-click the
"My Computer" icon, double click the icon representing the CD-ROM
drive, double click the "Setup.exe" icon and then follow the instructions
Select "Install Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry " to start the installation
procedure, then follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry is installed by default in C:\Program Files\Ubi
Soft\Vis Entertainment\Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry When the
installation is complete, a shortcut to Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry is
added to the Start menu.
Once the installation is finished, click "Play." to go on and play the game
or Click "Quit" if you wish to leave the menu. 
To start the game, double click the Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry icon on
your desktop or use the shortcut to Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry in the
"Start" menu found in Programs\Ubi Soft\Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry.
In Windows, choose the "Uninstall" option in Start Menu\Programs\Ubi
Soft\Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry...
Insert the installation CD-ROM for Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry and click
the "Uninstall" button in the menu. You will thus erase all the game data.
Installing DirectX
Make sure the installation CD-ROM for Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry is in
the CD-ROM drive.  
As soon as you start the installation procedure the program
automatically checks to see if DirectX needs to be installed or upgraded.
If so, it offers to do so. If you have problems with Tom and Jerry: Fists of
Furry, refer to the Troubleshooting section below before calling
technical support.
Once the installation is complete, you must restart your PC to enable the
new drivers to function.
You must have a 3D-compatible accelerator card with at least 16 MB of
video RAM. DirectX 8 must be installed on your computer. DirectX 8 is
provided on the installation CD for Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry and can
be installed manually from the DirectX folder on the CD-Rom.
Most of the problems encountered in DirectX games are related to
obsolete versions of the sound card and/or video card drivers. If you
have problems with Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry, take the time to read
readme.txt. In it you will find the URLs of websites for the manufacturers
of common sound cards and video cards.
First contact the manufacturers of your graphic and sound cards (on
their Internet sites or by telephone) in order to obtain the latest version
of the drivers.
If you have several accelerator cards, choose the ones that are capable
of 3D acceleration.
To Play
To play, simply double click on the Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry icon on
your desktop or go to the Start Menu and select C:\WINDOWS\Start
Menu\Programs\Ubi Soft\Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry.