avolites pearl exper ttitan ユーザーズマニュアル

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Copyright Avolites Limited 2010
9. Running the show  - Page 103
PearlExpertTitan_Man_v3.doc  29/03/2010 13:28:00 
9.   Running the show 
This chapter contains: Operating modes, master faders, manual 
control during a show, page shortcuts 
Back up the show 
At regular intervals while you are programming, and when you have 
finished programming (or you’ve run out of time) and it’s showtime, 
the most important thing is to back up the show to USB pen drive or 
floppy disk. Even saving it as a new file on the internal disk is better 
than nothing (see section 0 on page 25 for instructions).  
Operating modes 
If your show is being operated by a lesser mortal, turn the key to Run 
and remove the key. This prevents anyone from altering the 
programming of the console. However the operator can still select 
fixtures and adjust attributes live.  
Expert users can run the console in “Program” mode to allow more 
flexibility in running the show and live updating of the programming. 
Master faders 
In the top left hand corner of the console are the Master Faders. 
These allow overall intensity control of the whole console. 
•  The Add/Flash and Swop masters control the intensity of the Flash 
and Swop buttons on the playbacks. This allows you to flash the 
playbacks to a certain level. It also allows you to disable the Flash 
buttons by setting the master at 0. (If you turn the Swop master to 
0 you will get a blackout if you press a Swop button). 
•  The Preset Master controls the overall intensity of any channels 
turned on in the Preset faders. 
•  The Grand Master controls the intensity of all output from the 
console. Normally you would set this at full, and use it if you need 
to quickly fade out all the lights. 
Flash and swop buttons 
The Flash and Swop buttons on the playback faders may be used at 
any time to flash and solo cues and chases. The Flash button adds 
the playback into the current output, the Swop button turns off all 
other output. You must have the key set to Run mode to use Flash 
and Swop. 
In Run mode you can also flash and swop individual fixtures or 
dimmer channels using the Select/Swop and Palette/Flash buttons 
below the preset faders.  
You can reallocate the functions of the Flash and Swop/Select buttons 
useful alternative function is Preload which allows you to preset the 
attributes of the fixtures before you raise the playback fader, which is 
handy for avoiding visible changes (any fixtures which are already