SEH Computertechnik TPG60 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 87
ThinPrint® Settings
TPG60 User Manual
Defining the ThinPrint® Port via the InterCon-NetTool
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the InterCon-NetTool.
2. Double-click the TPG60 in the print server list.
The Properties dialog appears.
3. Select Configuration – ThinPrint® from the navigation bar.
4. Enter the port number into the 
ThinPrint® port box. 
The setting is saved.
How to Define the Bandwidth?
Bandwidth describes the capacity of a data connection. The
bandwidth of the TPG60 is indicated in bit/second (bit/s).
The bandwidth that is needed for print jobs can be limited to a
freely definable value for each ThinPrint® port (server side). You can
further decrease the bandwidth limit on the port of the TPG60
(client side).
Defining a value which is higher than the defined value (server side)
will have no effect. In this case, the pre-defined value will be
What do you want
to do?
Defining the Bandwidth via the TPG Homepage
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the TPG Homepage.
2. Select 
Configuration – ThinPrint®.
3. Tick 
4. Enter the desired bandwidth. 
5. Click 
Save to confirm.