Alvarion BREEZENET BU-DS.11 ユーザーズマニュアル

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BreezeNET DS.11 Series User Manual 
Security Tab 
The Security tab enables you to define the encryption parameters. In the BU, an 
additional ACL (Access Control List) Table tab enables to define stations that are 
allowed to associate with the BU. 
Encryption Tab 
3-11: Encryption Tab 
This tab displays information regarding the unit’s security configuration.  
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an encryption algorithm that protects authorized 
Wireless LAN users against eavesdropping and is implemented in BreezeNET DS.11 
units. WEP is defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard. This encryption is applicable 
for both authentication and data.  It supports key length of either 64 bits or 128 
bits, including a 24 bit Initialization Vector. 
DS.11 units can use one of the following authentication algorithms (as defined in 
the IEEE 802.11b standard). 
♦  Open System: Any station in the WLAN can associate with any other unit and 
receive and transmit data freely (null authentication). 
♦  Shared Key: Only units using a shared key encryption are allowed to associate 
with each other, provided they use the same WEP Key.  
The default authentication algorithm is Open System.