Bosch Appliances Home Security System LTC 8600 用户手册

页码 126
LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series
en | 37
F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03
Instruction Manual
Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
10.2 Main Site “Trunk Line” Video Inputs
At the main site, video trunk line connections coming from each of the remote 
site(s) should be connected (and properly terminated) using an available video 
input at the main bay. There are no programming restrictions concerning their con-
nections, but a sense of order can be maintained if a group of video inputs are used 
at the upper end of the system’s designed capacity. This technique allows the main 
system to be more easily expanded in the future with additional local cameras or 
trunk lines. As an example, assume there are a total of eight (8) trunk lines coming 
from all satellite sites which are connected to a main site system designed for 32 
inputs. Inputs 25 to 32 can be reserved for the trunk lines, leaving inputs 1 to 24 for 
local camera connections. If there will be no local camera inputs, the trunk lines can 
start at the first video input.
10.3 Control Data Lines in Satellite Systems 
Each satellite site must be provided with an Allegiant biphase control data line com-
ing from the Signal Distribution located at the main site. This data line carries all 
pan/tilt/zoom control commands, in addition to the switching commands generated 
by the main site switcher. The control data line should be connected to a LTC 8780 
Series Data Converter unit, which provides address decoding functions for the sat-
ellite site. An LTC 8780 Series is required for each satellite site, and must be given a 
unique site address number. If operators stationed at the satellite site are permitted 
to control pan/tilt/zoom-equipped cameras, an LTC 8569 Series Code Merger unit 
must be installed at the satellite site. In order for each site to have control over pan/
tilt/zoom-equipped cameras, the Code Merger combines code generated by the 
main and satellite sites. The LTC 8780 Series can then be connected to one of the 
data outputs of the LTC 8569 Series unit. 
10.4 Satellite Site Programming Requirements
The optional LTC 8059/00 MCS or the optional LTC 8850/00 GUI Software is 
required to properly program a satellite system. 
Programming the satellite sites is usually limited to designating their logical camera 
numbers to appropriate values via the Camera ID Table of the MCS or GUI Software. 
Note that no duplicate logical camera numbers are permitted anywhere in the sys-
tem. Allegiant logical camera designations can be renumbered to any four-digit num-
ber on all Allegiant Series systems, except the LTC 8500 Series, which is limited to 
three (3) digits. Few other restrictions exist. These camera numbers are the num-
bers entered at both the satellite and the main site keyboards when camera selec-
tions are made. On any AutoDome Series camera or conventional pan/tilt/zoom-
equipped camera, this logical number must also be entered as the receiver/driver's 
site address number.