Bosch Appliances Home Security System DS7400XIV4-EXP 用户手册

页码 40
DS7400XiV4-EXP | User Guide | 9.0   Error Displays 
EN | 25 
Bosch Security Systems | 6/05 | 4998154961B 
9.0   Error Displays 
You can read e
rror displays only when the control panel is disarmed. Some control panel errors, such as battery 
trouble and any RF troubles, cause the keypad sounders to beep every 10 seconds. 
You can silence the keypad sounders for 4 hours by entering [PIN
The sounders continue to sound until the problem is fixed. 
Clear the error display as advised by your installing company, or if you are certain the problem is 
Table 23: Error Displays 
Error/Warning Messages 
LED Keypad 
Text Keypad 
Power Light 
(green) flashing 
Control Trouble 
Enter [#][8][7] 
There is an Error Message. To display the message, enter [PIN][#][8][7]. 
LED 1 on 
AC Power Failure 
There is a power failure and the control panel is operating on backup battery power. 
LED 2 on 
Battery Trouble * 
If there was a power failure, wait at least two hours for the battery to recharge, then 
enter [PIN][System Reset] to perform a battery test. 
LED 3 on 
Communicator Err **  The control panel failed to communicate with the central station. 
LED 4 on 
System Fault 
Internal error in the control circuitry or optional circuitry. Refer to Section 9.1 
System Faults
LED 5 on 
Keypad Fault 
One of the keypads is not responding to the control panel. 
LED 6 on 
Keypad Tamper 
One of the keypad housings was opened. 
LED 7 on 
Multiplex Bus 
The multiplex bus is defective or is shorted. 
LED 8 on 
Aux. Power Fault 
The auxiliary power is shorted. 
Zone Trouble 
One of the zones is not responding to the control panel. This might also be 
displayed during power-up; if this occurs, ignore the message. 
Indicates a problem with an RF (wireless) zone. 
Dirty Chamber 
One of the multiplex smoke detectors failed the sensitivity test and might require 
cleaning or replacement. Clear the keypad beep by entering [PIN][Off] 
* The Battery Trouble message is cleared only by the [System 
Reset] command or another Automatic Battery Test, even 
after the problem is remedied. 
** The Communicator Error message is cleared only by the 
[System Reset] command or the next successful Automatic 
System Off Normal report, even after the problem is 