Emerson NGA2000 TO2 Benutzerhandbuch

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Instruction Manual 
March 2003 
2-2               Installation  
Rosemount Analytical Inc.    A Division of Emerson Process Management 
Model NGA2000 TO2
with a clean, metallic diaphragm, two-stage 
regulator. A shutoff valve is recommended. 
Calibration Gases 
The TO2 module does not require routine 
zero calibration.  The zero is factory set and 
does not experience routine drift.  Over long 
periods of time, the zero may experience 
minor drift.  For low ppm range analyzers, 
you may wish to check the zero at one year 
intervals.  Oxygen-free nitrogen is recom-
mended for use as zero gas.  This gas is 
certified to <0.5 ppm oxygen and can be 
improved by passing the zero gas through 
an oxygen scrubber such as Millipore™ 
Waferpure or Semigas Nanochem® resin 
purifiers.  A mixture of  trace oxygen in a 
background of nitrogen is recommended as 
span gas. For maximum accuracy, the con-
centration of trace oxygen in the span gas 
should be as high as possible for the range 
of measurement. 
The sample must be clean and dry before 
entering the Analyzer Module. Sample 
should be filtered for particulates down to 
two microns, and should have a dewpoint at 
least 5 
°C (13 °F) below the coldest ex-
pected ambient temperature. 
Constant between 13.8 and 69 hPa - gauge 
(0.2 and 1.0 psig)  sample inlet pressure is 
recommended.  If a needle valve is used 
upstream of the Analyzer Module to control 
flow, the inlet pressure to the needle valve 
should not exceed 345 hPa (5 psig).  A 
constant sample flow rate between 1.0 to 
3.0 SCFH (0.5 to 1.5 l/min) is recommended 
for best results.  The Analyzer Module must 
vent to atmosphere to avoid back pressure 
influences on the oxygen reading. 
b. Connections 
(See Figure 2-3 on page 2-4 ) Connect inlet 
and outlet lines for sample to appropriately 
labeled fittings on the rear panel. SAMPLE 
IN and SAMPLE OUT are 1/4-inch ferrule-
type compression fittings.  Zero and span 
gases should be introduced at the SAMPLE 
IN fitting at normal sample inlet flow rate. 
Metallic tubing is recommended for the 
sample line.  The use of plastic, Teflon, or 
other non-metallic tubing can result in am-
bient oxygen permeation through the tubing 
causing higher than expected reading.   Ex-
haust tubing should be 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) or 
larger, and can be metallic or non-metallic. 
Figure 2-1.  Analyzer Module Interconnection with Instrument Platform 
Network 2 
Network 1 
Power Indicator Light 
Controller Board 