Technicolor - Thomson 545/570 Benutzerhandbuch

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5 SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
E-DOC-CTC-20030814-0001 v1.0
The following table lists all advanced topic links:
Save all
The Save All link on the menu allows you to save the SpeedTouch™ settings.
It is advised to back-up your saved configuration on a regular basis. This can be done via 
he Help link in the topics menu header allows you to browse the SpeedTouch™ 
online Help.
For more information on a specific topic you can click the context-related 
located at the Topic's web pages.
ADVANCED topic menu
Click ...
To ...
View SpeedTouch™ diagnostics.
Configure the SpeedTouch™ via the embedded wizard.
View/configure the SpeedTouch™ IP interfaces.
View/configure the SpeedTouch™ IP router.
View/configure static NAPT entries.
View/configure multi-NAT entries.
Define a default local server for inbound connectivity.
Configure UPnP™.
View/configure the SpeedTouch™ DHCP server/client.
View/configure the SpeedTouch™ DNS server/client.
Manage system and configuration.
Set a system password.
View/upload templates.
Configure the web page language.