Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

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Cisco Clean Access Server Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 16      Upgrading to a New Software Release
Upgrade Procedure for 3.5(x)
Upgrade Procedure for 3.5(x) 
If you are upgrading to 3.5 from 3.2.6 or above, follow the instructions below. 
For details on upgrading failover pairs, see:
Before You Upgrade
Please review this section carefully before you commence the upgrade process. 
Homogenous Clean Access Server Software Support
You must upgrade your Clean Access Manager and all your Clean Access Servers concurrently. The 
Clean Access architecture is currently not designed for heterogeneous support (i.e., some Clean 
Access Servers running 3.5 software and some running 3.4 software).
Upgrade Downtime Window
Depending on the number of Clean Access Servers you have, the upgrade process should be 
scheduled as downtime. Our estimates suggest that it takes approximately 15 minutes for the Clean 
Access Manager upgrade and 10 minutes for each Clean Access Server upgrade. Use this 
approximation to estimate your downtime window.
Clean Access Server Effect During Clean Access Manager Downtime 
While the Clean Access Manager upgrade is being conducted, the Clean Access Server (which has 
not yet been upgraded, and which loses connectivity to the Clean Access Manager during Clean 
Access Manager restart or reboot) continues to pass authenticated user traffic. 
New users will not be able to logon or be authenticated until the Clean Access Server re-establishes 
connectivity with the Clean Access Manager.
Database Backup (Before and After Upgrade)
It is critical that you perform a full backup of your database using “SnapShot” both before and after 
the upgrade. Make sure to download the snapshots to your desktop/laptop for safekeeping. Backing 
up prior to upgrade enables you to revert to your 3.4 or 3.3 database should you encounter problems 
during upgrade.
Backing up immediately following upgrade preserves your upgraded tables and provides a baseline 
of your 3.5 database. 
After the migration is completed, go to the database backup page (Administration > Backup) in 
the CAM web console. Download and then delete all earlier snapshots from there as they are no 
longer compatible.