games-pc x3 reunion 1.3 Benutzerhandbuch

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Weapons Control System 
The Weapon Control System originally required ships to be docked in order to 
install lasers into laser slots and then while flying, when docked it would only be 
possible to use the laser groups to select which combinations of laser to use at any 
one time. The WCS now has advanced features that allow lasers on board the ship 
to be installed while flying in space.  
In this example with the graphic on the right, there are four weapon groups as 
listed at the bottom 1,2,3,4, with eight lasers in-group one. 
The weapon location grid indicators on the left of each laser 
shows which group the weapon is slotted in to.  
The group number like the number 2 group on the right as is highlighted on the list 
of 1 to 4. When group 1 is selected, all lasers that are in-group 1 will fire and 
those that are not in that group will not fire. 
First click on the weapon location grid indicator, to relocate the 
laser in to another group like the next graphic on the right. By 
selecting one of these the weapons in that group will now be 
available by selecting the group by selecting 1,2,3,4. 
A Weapon can also exist in more than one group, but remember if your ship 
can carry eight lasers, you can have four groups with two lasers, or 
combinations like two groups with three and a group of two. 
It is important to balance your weapons into groups, so you can use different powered lasers 
against different classes of ships, like light lasers against M5 ships and heavier group of 
lasers with a M3 or M6. You can even have all of the lasers listed in-group four, for short 
powered bursts against a larger more powerful ship. 
By clicking on the laser, the currently installed 
weapon is highlighted in the menu, any weapons 
that can be installed in that slot are listed normally, 
and any weapons that on board, but cannot be 
installed in that slot (either because its too big, or 
because there are none left) will be shown with a red symbol over the top of them.  
This upgrade now makes it possible to change weapons 
while in flight; Note that it is important the groups of lasers 
are setup carefully, as it won't be quite so easy to enable 
or disable weapons from the current group in the heat of 
battle, here is possible layout a ship could have. 
Weapon Energy Indicators 
As you fire your weapons you will see the red bar above 
each weapon drain. When the bar is back to the original 
position on the right, they will be fully recharged. 
Remember that due to laser energy limitations, it is important not to shoot all of the lasers at 
once. Higher-class weapons consume a lot of energy. Using lower class lasers may allow a 
ship to fire more or less continuously, because the recharge rate will be higher than the 
energy consumption. So in certain types of combat, it may be to your advantage if you use a 
lower class of laser in higher-class ships, enabling you to shoot for a much longer time.
Group 1 = 2 A-HEPT;  
Group 2 = 1 A-HEPT+1ID;  
Group 3 = 2 A-PAC;  
Group 4 = 2 A-PAC+2 B-IRE.