RAD Data comm Modular Access Device with Integrated Router Benutzerhandbuch

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Overview 4-1 
Chapter 4 
Topics covered in this chapter include: 
•  Overview of configuration menus 
•  Main menu 
•  Quick setup menu 
•  Security menu 
•  Advanced setup menu 
Download software/upload device parameters 
•  View menu 
•  Diagnostic tools menu. 
4.1 Overview 
The Main Menu has the following options: 
•  Quick setup menu – The Quick Setup menu is used to define the basic 
parameters for your FCD-IPM unit. The Quick Setup menu allows you to 
adjust setup and link configuration parameters while FCD-IPM is in operation. 
Line-by-line prompts guide you throughout the procedure. On-screen 
instructions and explanations guide you through the setup procedure. For a 
complete description of the Quick Setup menu refer to 
•  Security setup menu – Use the options in the Security Setup menu to control 
FCD-IPM management and entry to your LAN by unauthorized users (refer to 
•  Advanced setup menu – The Advanced menu lists FCD-IPM configuration 
parameters and their current values. You can change these parameters and 
perform advanced configuration operations, not available through the Quick 
Setup menu. Resetting the device and software downloads are also performed 
via the Advanced Menu (refer to 
•  View menu – Use the options in the View menu to view configuration screens 
and information on interface connections, routing tables and statistics. 
•  Diagnostic Tools menu – Use the Diagnostic Tools menu to verify WAN and 
LAN connectivity. The Ping feature allows you to request another user on the 
LAN or WAN. If the remote user replies, connectivity is confirmed up to and 
including the IP level.