Panasonic SC-EN17 User Manual

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Standby/on switch [^, POWER ^/l] ...................................................... 3
Press to switch the unit from on to standby mode or vice versa.
In standby mode, the unit is still consuming a small amount of power.
Light button [LIGHT]
Turn on and off the light of display for better viewing in a darkened room.
The factory setting is ON.
SLEEP timer button [SLEEP] ............................................................... 5
Clock/timer adjust button [CLOCK/TIMER ADJ] ................................ 5
Timer set/check button [TIMER SET/CHECK]..................................... 5
CD program/clear, tuner preset button
  [PGM/CLEAR, –AUTO PRESET]....................................................... 3, 4
AUX button [AUX].................................................................................. 2
Tuner/band select button [TUNER/BAND] .......................................... 4
Volume buttons [VOL –, + VOL, – VOLUME +] .................................... 3
Extra D.Bass button [EXTRA D.BASS] ................................................ 5
Sound EQ button [SOUND EQ] ............................................................ 5
Album skip, preset channel select buttons 
21u ALBUM i]..................................................................... 4, 6
CD open/close button [
;, OPEN/CLOSE] ........................................... 3
Display button [DISPLAY]..................................................................... 5
Numbered buttons [1–9, 0,  10]........................................................... 3
CD play/pause button [
q/CD]........................................................... 3
CD stop button [g]................................................................................ 3
Play mode button [PLAY MODE].................................................. 3, 4, 6
Live virtualizer button [LIVE VIRTUALIZER]....................................... 5
CD skip/search, frequency select, time adjust buttons 
ui, –, +, u/–, +/i] ......................................................... 3, 4, 5
Standby indicator
When the unit is connected to the AC mains supply, this indicator lights
up in standby mode and goes out when the unit is turned on.
Remote control signal sensor
This unit can play MP3, a method of compressing audio without overtly
hurting audio quality.
When creating MP3 files to play on this unit
• Maximum number of tracks and albums: 999 tracks and 256 albums.
• Compatible compression rate: Between 64 kbps and 320 kbps (stereo).
128 kbps (stereo) is recommended.
• Disc formats: ISO9660 level 1 and level 2 (except for extended formats).
• It is better not to create folders (album) within folders (
004album below).
Limitations on MP3
• This unit is compatible with multi-session but if there are a lot of sessions it
takes more time for play to start. Keep the number of sessions to a
minimum to avoid this.
• This unit cannot play files recorded using packet write.
• If the disc includes both MP3 and normal audio data (CD-DA), the unit
plays the type recorded in the inner part of the disc.
If the disc includes both MP3 and other types of audio data (e.g. WMA or
WAV), the unit plays only the MP3.
• Depending on how you create MP3 files, they may not play in the order you
numbered them or may not play at all.
• Upper case alphanumeric characters and an underbar “_” can be displayed
on this unit. Lower case characters are converted to upper case.
Note on CD-R and CD-RW
This unit can play CD-R and CD-RW recorded with CD-DA or MP3. Use an
audio recording disc for CD-DA and finalize
 it when you finish recording.
The unit may not be able to play some discs due to the condition of the
∗A process performed after recording that enables CD-R/CD-RW players
to play audio CD-R and CD-RW.
Choose discs with this mark:
Do not;
• use irregularly shaped CDs.
• attach extra labels and stickers.
• use CDs with labels and stickers that are coming off or with adhesive
exuding from under labels and stickers.
• attach scratch-proof covers or any other kind of accessory.
• write anything on the CD.
• clean CDs with liquids (Wipe with a soft, dry cloth.).
Note about using a DualDisc
• The digital audio content side of a DualDisc does not meet the technical
specifications of the Compact Disc Digital Audio (CD-DA) format so play
may not be possible.
• Do not use a DualDisc in this unit as it may get scratched or scraped.
Control guide