Roland XV-88 User Manual

Page of 312
Chapter 2. Playing
Using Phrase Preview to Play 
The XV-88 allows you to preview Patches by hearing a 
phrase appropriate for each type of Patch.
2. Press and hold [PHRASE PREVIEW].
• In Performance mode, only the Patches of the currently 
selected Part (current Part) will sound. In Rhythm Set 
mode, a drum phrase will sound.
• Patches of the USER group or from an optional Wave 
Expansion Board (SR-JV80 Series and SRX Series) may 
not sound at the appropriate pitch range. If this occurs, 
press [+OCT] or [-OCT] to select the desired pitch range 
(Octave Shift p. 47).
• If the pitch range of a Phrase is wider than the range of 
3. Release your finger from [PHRASE PREVIEW], and the 
phrase will stop playing.
4. To change the way in which the phrase is played, press 
[SYSTEM] to make the indicator light. Then press the 
[PREVIEW] function button, and press
access the SYSTEM PREVIEW page.
5. Rotate the VALUE dial, or press [INC/+]/[DEC/-] to 
make the setting.
Preview Mode (Preview Sound Mode)
: The notes specified by Note 1–4 parameter 
successively one by one.
: The notes specified by Note 1–4 parameter 
: The Phrase associated with the Patch’s type/
category is played.
For details on the Note 1–4 parameter settings, refer to 
6. Press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH PLAY page.
7. If you set the Preview Mode parameter to PHRASE in 
step 5, you can specify the phrase that will sound. After 
pressing [EDIT] to make the indicator light up, press the 
[COMMON] function button, and press
display the PATCH CATEGORY page.
8. Rotate the VALUE dial or press [INC/+]/[DEC/-] to 
make the setting. For details on the available categories, 
refer to (p. 31).
The Patch Finder function uses this setting.
Making a Patch Sound Thick or 
Thin (Turning a Tone On/Off)
Since a Patch is a combination of up to four Tones, you can 
switch unwanted (Tones out of the four) off and get just the 
sound of a specific Tone.
1. Make sure that the PATCH PLAY page is displayed.
2. Make sure that [EDIT] indicator is extinguished. If it is 
lit, press [EDIT].
At this time, the on/off setting of each Tone in the 
displayed Patch will be shown by the indicators of 
TONE SWITCH [1]–[4]. Lit is on, and dark is off.
The PATCH PLAY page indicates the Tones that are on 
as follows. Tones that are off are shown as 
3. Use TONE SWITCH [1]–[4] to switch Tones on/off.
This setting is linked with the Switch parameter 
(PATCH/WAVE/WAVE). If you want just one or two 
Tones to sound in a Patch, turn the others off and store 
that setting on a Patch. This cuts nonessential use of the 
XV-88’s simultaneous voices.