Netopia 3220-h User Guide

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Using the Command Line Interface
Cayman 3220-H User’s Guide
December 2000
If a command is ambiguous or miskeyed, the CLI prompts you to 
enter additional information. For example, you must specify which 
virtual circuit you are configuring when you are setting up a Cayman 
Dogzilla (ip)>> ip-ppp
  ip-ppp (?) [vcc1 | vcc2 | vcc7 | vcc8]: vcc1
Dogzilla (ip ip-ppp [vcc1])>>
Displaying Current 
Router Settings
You can use the 
command to display the current CONFIG 
settings for your Cayman 3220-H. If you enter the 
command at 
the top level of the CONFIG hierarchy, the CLI displays the settings 
for all enabled functions. If you enter the 
 command at an 
intermediate node, you see settings for that node and its subnodes.
Stepping Through 
Cayman 3220-H 
The Cayman 3220-H command line interface includes a step mode to 
automate the process of entering configuration settings. When you 
use the CONFIG step mode, the command line interface prompts 
you for all required and optional information. You can then enter the 
configuration values appropriate for your site without having to 
enter complete CLI commands.
When you are in step mode, the command line interface prompts 
you to enter required and optional settings. If a setting has a default 
value or a current setting, the command line interface displays the 
default value for the command in parentheses. If a command has a 
limited number of acceptable values, those values are presented in 
brackets, with each value separated by a vertical line. For example, 
the following CLI step command indicates that the default value is 
 and that valid entries are limited to 
Enter numbers as integers.
IP addresses
Enter IP addresses in dotted decimal notation (0 
to 255).
Rules for entering CONFIG commands