Garmin 225 Owner's Manual

Page of 98
The Simulator SOG/COG window lets you
specify the speed and course for the simulator
mode. By leaving the COG field value at 
the default setting, the GPSMAP system will
automatically set a course directly to your
If you choose to enter your own course over
ground, highlight the COG field and enter 
the desired course. To reset the simulator to
steer a direct course for you, highlight the
‘Reset COG to Nav Course’ prompt and 
press the 
The active destination waypoint is displayed at the top of the screen, with
the ETE (estimated time enroute) and ETA (estimated time of arrival) based on
your present speed and course at the bottom.
The distance and bearing to the first route waypoint, along with your cur-
rent speed and course over ground (SOG and COG), are indicated along the
right-hand side of the screen. The SOG and COG fields can be changed to 
display velocity made good (VMG) and turn (TRN). To toggle the speed and
course displays, press the 
Now enter a speed of 60 knots for our simulated trip:
1. Press the SOG/COG softkey to display the Simulator SOG/COG window.
2. Press the 
key to begin data entry.
3. Use the 
keypad to enter a speed of 60 knots, pressing the 
key after
each character entry.
4. Once you’ve entered your speed, press the EXIT softkey.
By leaving the COG field value at the default setting, the GPSMAP system
will automatically set a direct course to each route waypoint. If you choose to
enter your own course, highlight the COG field and enter the desired course.
To reset the simulator to automatically steer a direct course for you, highlight
the ‘Reset COG to Nav Course’ prompt and press the 
At the bottom right corner of the highway display is the highway scale. The
highway scale ranges from ‘1X’ to ‘16X’, and allows you to change the 
perspective view of the highway to show a larger or smaller area.
1. Press the down arrow on 
to decrease the scale and show a smaller area. 
2. Press the up arrow on 
to increase the scale and show a larger area.
Navigating a Route
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