Nortel 4000 Release Note

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    Remote Access Software Version 5.3 Release Notes
300115-B Rev. A
To restore a RAC’s configuration:
At the command prompt, enter the following:
command: annex <IP address*>
This identifies which RAC you want for subsequent commands.
(For UNIX)
command: read  <filename.param >
(For Windows NT)
command: read  <filename.txt>
This copies the filename.param file to the RAC that you specified
and changes the parameters to ones specified in the file.
command: quit
This exits na.
The following is a sample of login and read commands on a UNIX host
(on Windows NT, only the first line is different):
command: Annex
Password for <unknown>: abd Micro-Annex-UX R11.1, 8 async ports
The script file does not contain the IP address of the unit; this
allows you to transfer the file from one unit to another.
However, you must be careful if you have specified IP
addresses specified for the ports; they will be copied to the
new unit. Remember that you cannot have the same IP
addresses across different units; IP addresses must be unique.