Polycom EX Release Note

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Release Notes
ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000, Version 6.0.5
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Outbound Call Route Settings
The Outbound Call Route setting, Gateway or ISDN, controls gateway-to-ISDN rollover. 
If this setting is set to ISDN, all ISDN calls will be made over H.320. If this setting is set to 
Gateway, ISDN calls will first be tried over H.323 using a gateway, and if that fails, they will 
be tried over ISDN. Note that ISDN calls will not rollover and try the gateway.
Multipoint Address Book Entries and Rollover Scenarios
Mixed ISDN/IP address book entries will never roll over from ISDN to IP but will roll over 
from gateway to ISDN if the system is configured to make gateway calls. This behavior 
occurs because you choose what protocol to use for dialing at the time you create the mixed 
address book entry. 
Gateway Calls and Speed Changes Due to Flow Control
This version uses an intelligent algorithm for deciding the dialing speed for a subsequent 
gateway call if the preceding call's speed was decreased significantly by the gateway flow 
Single Address Book Entries and Call Type Rollover
The system now always tries to roll over and call out with ISDN, if a gateway call fails for 
any reason. ISDN/IP rollovers occur based on the cause code. 
Multipoint Address Book Entries on IP-Only Systems
In this version, for a four-way multipoint Address Book entry containing all IP call types, 
the entry can be saved and the multipoint call placed at a maximum call speed of 384K on 
all systems. 
Disabling the H.264 Video Protocol
A new Disable H.264 checkbox has been added to the system and resides on the System 
Options page. All systems which are H.264 capable, whether they require an option key or 
not, will have H.264 enabled by default. You can disable H.264 by selecting the checkbox 
and clicking Save before leaving the page. This option gives you the flexibility to 
communicate through gateways that do not have this feature fully implemented. 
API Enhancements
Telnet port 24 can now continue to accept connections if the previous connection 
terminated for any reason. When the first connection goes down, a second is able to 
reconnect to port 24. The ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 system deems the first connection 
inactive and closes it after 30 seconds of no incoming data. This behavior is not designed 
to service two simultaneous connections to port 24, but prevents a single connection from 
hanging and the need for a system reboot to clear this condition.