Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(4)T

Page of 52
4. Security Objectives
  Document Organization
Version 1.0
4. Security Objectives
The security objectives are a high-level statement of the intended response to the security problem. 
These objectives indicate how the security problem, as characterized in the “Security Environment” 
section of the ST (see the section “
”), is to be addressed. 
 describes security objectives for the TOE, while 
 describes objectives for the 
The environmental objective O.IDAUTH(env) is an iteration of the TOE Objective O.IDAUTH, and has 
been added in order to allow for remote authentication services to be provided by the environment.
The Security Objectives for the Environment (see section 
are considered Non-IT.
4.1 Security Objective for the TOE
Table 10
Security Objectives for the TOE
The TOE must uniquely identify and authenticate 
the claimed identity of all users, before granting a 
user access to TOE functions.
The TOE must prevent the reuse of authentication 
data for users attempting to authenticate at the 
TOE from a connected network.
The TOE must mediate the flow of all information 
between users on an internal network connected 
to the TOE and users on an external network 
connected to the TOE, and must ensure that 
residual information from a previous information 
flow is not transmitted in any way.
Upon initial start-up of the TOE or recovery from 
an interruption in TOE service, the TOE must not 
compromise its resources or those of any 
connected network.
The TOE must protect the confidentiality of its 
dialogue with an authorized administrator through 
encryption, if the TOE allows administration to 
occur remotely from a connected network
The TOE must protect itself against attempts by 
unauthorized users to bypass, deactivate, or 
tamper with TOE security functions.