Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing Quick Setup Guide

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Administration Center Page References for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Add User Profile Page
Show meetings in public 
Whether to publicly list the meetings scheduled by this user in the end-user web interface.
Unless you hide the field on the end-user web interface, meeting schedulers can override this 
Default: Group default (No)
Show reservationless 
meetings in public listing
Whether to publicly display reservationless meetings owned by this user in the end-user web 
Default: Group default (Yes)
Host web meetings with
Whether web ports are reserved when users in this group set up meetings:
Full meeting room—Reserves web ports, if available.
Participant list only—Does not reserve web ports. Web meeting participants see the lite web 
meeting room.
You cannot use the Participant list only option if you are using Cisco WebEx as your 
web meeting provider.
For information about the features available in the full web meeting room and the lite web 
meeting room, see the User Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace at 
This field applies to both scheduled and reservationless meetings.
Restriction: If the user is logged in when this field is modified, then the previous setting applies 
until the user logs out and logs back in.
Recommendation: If your system has fewer web ports than voice ports available for scheduled 
and reservationless meetings, then set this field to Participant list only (no licenses required) 
for most users. This configuration helps to keep web ports available for the users who need the 
full web meeting room to share files or applications. If you want all or most users to be able to 
schedule full web meetings, then make sure that an equal number of web ports and voice parts 
are available on your system for scheduled and reservationless meetings. See the 
Default: Group default (Full meeting room (licenses required))
End of meeting 
Whether the end-of-meeting announcement is played in meetings scheduled by this user.
Default: Group default (No)
Meeting extension 
Whether meeting-extension announcements are played in meetings scheduled by this user.
Default: Group default (No)
Screened entry
Whether screened entry is enabled in meetings scheduled by this user.
Default: Group default (No)
Disable roll call
Whether to disable roll call in meetings scheduled by this user.
Default: Group default (No)
Table 7
Field Reference: Add User Profile Page and Edit User Profile Page (continued)