Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S690 User Guide

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T R A C I N G   P O L I C I E S
C H A P T E R   6 :   W O R K I N G   W I T H   P O L I C I E S
6. Configure the transaction request information to simulate as desired. Table 6-1 describes 
the request side advanced settings you can configure. 
7. Configure the transaction response details to override as desired. 
You might want to override a transaction response detail to simulate how a different 
response value, such as a lower web reputation score, would affect the policies assigned 
to the transaction. Table 6-2 describes the response side advanced settings you can 
8. Click Find Policy Match.
The policy trace tool displays the results in the Results area.
Note — The Find Policy Match button turns into a Cancel button while the policy trace 
processes the parameters you enter. You can cancel the trace at any time.
Figure 6-5 on page 124 shows the Policy Trace page with some results from a policy trace.
Table 6-1 Policy Trace Advanced Settings for Requests
Forward Connection Port
Select a specific proxy port to use for the trace request to test policy 
group membership based on proxy port.
User Agent
Specify the user agent to simulate in the request.
Time of Request
Specify the day of week and time of day to simulate in the request.
Table 6-2 Policy Trace Advanced Settings for Response Overrides
URL Category
Choose whether or not to override the URL category of the transaction 
Object Size
Enter the size of the response object in bytes. You can enter K, M, or G 
to represent Kilobytes, Megabytes, or Gigabytes.
Enter the MIME type.
Web Reputation Score
Enter the web reputation score from -10.0 to 10.0.
Malware Verdict
Choose whether or not to override the Webroot or McAfee scanning 