Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal 8.0(1) Installation Guide

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adds licenses from both, creating 300 licensed ports. Call Servers and Reporting Servers do not
support the additive license feature.
For each CVP VXML server that requires a license upgrade, after the system has been
, do the following:
1. Leave the old license in the %CVP_HOME%\VXMLServer\license folder.
2. In the Operation Console, go to System > License Conversion. Select the VXMLServer
(s) that need license conversion, and then click Convert.
3. Click on Conversion Status. From the conversion status page, select the VXMLServer(s)
and click Export. From the exported file, select only the XML string that starts with 
 and ends with 
 and copy it to your clipboard.
Note: This XML can also be found on the VXMLServer in
4. Once you have the XML string copied to the clipboard, go to
. Once on this page click on Upgrade License, then CVP Version Migration.
Follow the instructions on the page. Type in the IP address of the VXMLServer. Paste the
XML string generated by the CVP License Conversion utility. Read the License Agreement
and click on the Agreement check box. Your new license is emailed to you.
When the CVP Reporting Server starts, it begins counting messages. Each time a message is
written to the database, the CVP Reporting Server checks the local date. When database writes
reach 10,000 (the sum of both inserts and updates) in a single day, an alarm is sent and messages
are no longer written to the database. When the local date changes, database writes resume, as
does the count.
• The CVP Video Media Server is not a supported installation option in Release 8.0(1).
• CVP no longer reports on the license usage. Instead, it now reports on the port usage based
on the maximum number of ports available in the cvp.license file. This change affects all
reports, the OAMP statistics page, and diagnostic portal license information requests. Alerts
are still issued at the 90%, 94% and 97% thresholds of licensing usage as with previous
The Solution Reference Network Design Guide provides detailed information about how CVP
components and ports are licensed.
License Requests for New Systems
If you are installing a new system (not an upgrade), then you should have a PAK (Product
Authorization Key). Enter the PAK at 
 to generate a License
that can be uploaded to your new system. See 
 for information on
how to upload this license to your CVP system.
Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(1)
Chapter 2: Performing Pre-Installation Tasks
Plan for Licensing