Cisco DNCS System Release 2.8.1 3.8.1 4.3.1 User Guide

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Digital EAS in a DBDS Using RCS
Digital Emergency Alert System in the Central RCS Site
Important: This process describes how the digital EAS works in a system that uses a Regional Control System
(RCS). The topic 
In an RCS, processes that manage EAMs reside both on the DNCS and on each remote RNCS/LIONN. Where
the EAM originates
 determines how the EAM is processed. When the EAM originates from an Emergency Alert
Controller (EAC) in the central site, the EARS process on the DNCS sends the MMMServer process an Event
For more information on how an EAM is processed at the central site, see the following illustration. When
reviewing this illustration, keep in mind that the equipment that receives the EAM  the RF receiver and the
Emergency Alert Controller (EAC)  is provided by a vendor other than us.
To compare this with how an EAM is processed at the central RCS site, see 
For information on configuring, maintaining, or testing an EAS in an RCS, refer to the Distributed EAS
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