Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option User Guide

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Service Reports
entsvc24: Enterprise Service Historical All Fields Report
*Reserved Talk Time
The total talk time, in seconds, for completed agent reservation tasks handled 
by the service during the half-hour interval. 
This value includes the time spent from the task being initiated to the time the 
agent begins after-task work for the task. It is based on TalkTime from 
Termination_Call_Detail. It therefore includes the HoldTime associated with 
the task. ReserveCallsTalkTime is updated in the database when the after-task 
work time associated with the task (if any) has completed. 
Derived From: Service_Half_Hour.ReserveCallsTalkTimeToHalf
*Reserved Hold
The total number of completed agent reservation tasks that this service placed 
on hold at least once. The value is updated in the database when the 
after-task work time associated with the task (if any) has completed. 
Derived From: Service_Half_Hour.ReserveCallsOnHoldToHalf
*Reserved Hold Time
The total number of seconds agent reservation tasks were placed on hold by 
this service during the half-hour interval. 
This data element is based on HoldTime from the Termination_Call_Detail 
record. The value is updated in the database when the after-task work 
associated with the task (if any) has completed. 
Derived From: Service_Half_Hour.ReserveCallsOnHoldTimeToHalf
Hold Time
The total hold time in seconds for tasks to the service that ended during the 
half-hour interval. 
Derived From: Service_Half_Hour.HoldTimeToHalf
*BlindTransfer Out
The number of tasks that were blind transferred out by agents in this service 
during the half-hour interval. 
Derived From: Service_Half_Hour.BlindTransfersOutToHalf 
Report Summary
Summaries for each field in the table.