Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option User Guide

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Trunk Group and IVR IPCC Reports
trkgrp04: Trunks Real Time All Fields Report
The number of tasks to the trunk group abandoned in queue during the 
current half-hour interval
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsAbandonedHalf 
Aban Today
The number of tasks to the trunk group abandoned in queue since midnight.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsAbandonedToHalf
Tasks In30
The number of inbound tasks received on the trunk group during the current 
half-hour interval.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsInToHalf
Tasks In Now
The number of inbound tasks currently in progress on the trunk group.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsInNow
Tasks In Today
The number of inbound tasks received on the trunk group since midnight.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsInToday
Tasks Out30
The number of outbound tasks received on the trunk group during the current 
half-hour interval.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsOutToHalf
Tasks Out Now
The number of outbound tasks currently in progress on the trunk group.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsOutNow
Tasks Out Today
The number of outbound tasks received on the trunk group since midnight.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.CallsOutToday
In Service Time30
The total number of seconds trunks in the group have been in service during 
the current half-hour interval.
Derived from: Trunk_Group_Real_Time.InServiceTimeToHalf