games-pc harpoon ii User Manual

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Tutorial  Lesson IV:  Using Weapons
Settings pull-down menu. Then, click on the Attack toolbar button.
Your cursor should now be a targeting crosshair.  Once the second air
threat has crossed the range circle for your air weapons,  go ahead
and double-click on the aircraft symbol.  A box will appear with four
panels.  The upper-left is the firing unit, the upper-right is the list of
available weapons listed in the order of most capable weapon for the
designated target.  The lower-left panel lists the target(s) and the
lower-right lists the weapons allocated for the target(s) listed.  This
is the Weapons Allocation dialog box. As you can see, one SM-1
missile has been allocated to engage the target.  Let’s fire 3 missiles
by clicking twice on the listing for the SM-1 in the upper-right panel.
The number of SM-1 missiles allocated should now be 3.  On second
thought, let’s only fire 2 missiles and save some of the taxpayer’s
money.  Click once on the listing of 3 missiles in the lower-right panel.
The number of missiles should now read two.  Go ahead and hit OK.
The  missiles  should  now  launch  with  a  display  identical  to  the
automatic sequence used to engage the first threat aircraft.  In the
unlikely event that both of your missiles should miss, fire again.  By
the time the second aircraft is destroyed you should pick up a third
incoming air contact.
Manual Engagements with Groups
We are going to engage the last air threat as a group. Although it
doesn't seem so, the third incoming air threat is actually a group of
two aircraft. Make sure that the Puller is selected. When the aircraft
come within range, click on the attack toolbar button and then drag-
select the incoming air group. Once again the Weapon Allocation
dialog box will come up, but you will notice that this time there are
two Bears listed in the enemy unit section of the screen. You will see
that the staff has already allocated an SM-1 to each.  Go ahead and
hit OK.  The missiles should now launch, and each of the allocated
missiles will track its assigned target. In the unlikely event that both
of your missiles should miss, fire again.
  A  Note  About  Drag-Selecting  Groups
Drag-selecting can be used to select reference points, friendly units,
and enemy units. One key function of drag-selecting is in forming
groups. To do so, simply drag-select the units you wish to group and
press the 'G' hot key. To group friendly airborne units, the units must
be the same type of aircraft, have identical loadout types,  and be on
the same mission.
Attack Toolbar