games-pc harpoon ii User Manual

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Harpoon II
Operating Instructions
Staff  Allocation
Each time you attack a target your Staff will automatically allocate a
number of appropriate weapons unless you do not have Allocate
Weapons selected in the Staff Preferences settings found in the Game
Preferences dialog box under the Settings pull-down menu.   Even
if you have the Staff allocate weapons, you can still manually edit the
allocation by clicking on the various selections in each panel on the
Weapons Allocation box.
Surface Threats
With the air threat eliminated, let’s continue on course for Reference
Points 1 & 2.  Leave your radar on.  As we near Reference Point 1 we
should be detecting two surface contacts.  Once there is a surface
detection, go ahead and continue to close on the contacts to make
a visual ID.  In the meantime, evaluate the contacts by selecting each
and clicking on the Report button to determine what type of radar
each one is emitting.  We can see that the first contact is radiating
a Square Tie Surface Search (SS) radar and a Drum Tilt acquisition
radar, both are common to Soviet missile boats.  The second contact
has a generic navigation radar.  Looks like a cargo ship being escorted
by a missile boat.  Let’s take ‘em both out.
Once the first contact is in range of your surface weapons (outer
weapons range circle), go ahead and click on the Attack toolbar
button (make sure the Puller is currently selected).  The mouse cursor
should change to a targeting crosshair.  Either double-click on the first
surface contact or drag-select it.  The Weapons Allocation Window
will appear as it did when we were targeting air targets earlier in this
lesson.  This time the target is a surface contact and the weapons are
surface-to-surface missiles and guns.  Because the Staff Allocation
feature is turned on in the Staff Preferences, a Harpoon missile has
already been allocated for the target.  Go ahead and double-click on
the allocated Harpoon missile to remove it from the allocation list.
Instead, select the Standard Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) by double-
clicking on it in the Weapons Available list.