BMI Technologies Inc. RFVI User Manual

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DRAFT G FORCE PLUS RF Instruction Manual 
Doc #RF1 Rev.9 
b.  Press {6} when the Data Logger displays “Action?(1-9)”.  The Data Logger will display 
Action?(1-9) Prog Veh Settngs”  
c.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot:” 
d.  Press {1} to select slot #1.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Has Data”  
e.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Ready” 
f.  Present the Data Logger to the Vehicle Interface. 
g.  The Data Logger will display “Progging Data:” and then 33%, 66%, and “All Data Prog’d”.   
h.  Listen for a sequence of three quick beeps to indicate the interaction is complete. 
i.  Remove the Data Logger from the Vehicle Interface.  The Vehicle Interface will display 
j.  Press {Cancel} on the Data Logger.  The Data Logger will display “Action?(1-9)”. 
8.  Remove the selected Vehicle Monitor from Maintenance Lockout. 
9.  Repeat steps 5 to 8 for the remaining Vehicles, matching the recorded Vehicles and memory slots.