Command Technologies Inc HF2500MAGNUM User Manual

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The company was founded upon the guiding principle of providing 
amateur radio operators with better equipment at a lower cost. 
That principle is evident in the company's products which have become 
known throughout the world for their superior value. 
Value is defined by the company as a ratio of quality plus performance 
over cost. The higher the quality and/or performance or the lower the 
cost, the better the value. 
Obviously, the limits of each parameter of the equation are subjective.  
For the company, quality limits are those which provide longevity and 
unquestioned performance benefits to the user without unnecessary 
cost burden. Performance is partly defined by governmental 
regulations and partly by the company's integrity of specifications. For 
example, power for Command Technologies linear amplifiers is 
specified by continuous carrier ratings - solid, meaningful figures which 
can be translated into benefits in the real world of amateur radio. 
State-of-the-art technology has come to be a trite phrase, meaning 
different things to different people. To the company, it means today's 
proven technology, not gimmicks, which offer a facade with little of 
worth, or need, behind it. We may push the leading edge of technology 
in various ways, but it will be founded upon its value to the user in 
terms of performance and cost. 
We appreciate your purchase of a Command Technologies product 
and assure you of continued factory support of your investment at all 
Patrick J. Stein