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pump, which can help patients overcome their fear of insertion sets or unsightly tubing and achieve the clinical 
benefits of insulin pump therapy. 
In addition, you can carry the PDM separately in a backpack, briefcase, or purse. 
Automated cannula insertion 
With the insulin management system, you don’t have to insert the infusion set manually or carry around a separate 
inserter. You simply press a button on the PDM and the Patch Pump automated insertion system safely and 
consistently inserts the cannula beneath the skin, virtually pain free.   
A fully‐integrated design 
The Patch Pump integrates the pumping mechanism, cannula, needle, and insulin reservoir into one wearable unit. 
There is no need to carry separate reservoirs, infusion sets, or inserters, and no assembly required. Just add insulin 
and it’s ready to go. 
Bolus guide 
After you check your blood glucose, enter the carbs for your snack or meal. Based on your individual settings, the 
PatchTrum Insulin Management system contains an optional feature called the Bolus Guide. This does the math for 
the required bolus amount based on your personal settings. The system displays a suggested bolus dose. You can 
accept the suggestion, change it, or cancel it. The Bolus Guide will use your BG reading, carbohydrate intake, and 
active insulin when coming up with your bolus amount. 
Record keeping 
Another convenient part of the PatchTrum insulin management system is record keeping. The data storage system in 
the personal diabetes manager (PDM) displays up to 90 days’ worth of information. This includes basal rates, bolus 
doses, daily totals, alarms and events. Records wrote in the memory chip of the PDM can be stored up to 10 years.