C Control PRO-BOT128 + C-Control PRO 128 Unit + Voltcraft® USB programming cable Kit 190406 User Manual

Product codes
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Returns the analog value of the right line sensor (0 to 1023).
Turns the LED of the line sensor on.
Turns the LED of the line sensor off.
AKKU_SPG() as single
Returns the rechargeable or normal battery voltage.
GET_ADC(channel as byte) as word
Read out any ADC channel (channel 0 to 7).
Initialises the drive. Prior to using the drive, you have to call up this routine.
Sets the enable input of the L293D to high. The drive is activated.
Sets the enable input of the L293 to low. The drive is deactivated.
DRIVE(left as byte, right as byte)
Timer1 PWM for the drive:
values between 1 to 128 = backwards
values between 128 to 255 = forwards
Value 128 = drive stop
Motor_POWER(left as byte, right as byte)
Speed, values between 1 and 255
You first have to state the direction with MOTOR_DIR.
MOTOR_DIR(left as byte, right as byte)
States the rotation direction of the motors for the function MOTOR_POWER.
1 = forwards
0 = backwards
Motor is stopped, PWM is set to 128.
GO_TURN(distance as integer, degree as integer, speed as byte)
Lets the PRO-BOT128 drive into a defined direction.
"Distance" in cm (+ = forwards ; - = backwards)
"Degree" in degree (+ = right turn; - = left turn)
"Speed" 1 to 255