Futaba Hendheld RC 2.4 GHz No. of channels: 14 1-F8075 Data Sheet

Product codes
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<Basic Operation>
11. When a telemetry function is enabled, 
the receiving interval (down-link interval) of 
sensor data can be changed. If a DL interval 
is increased, the  response of the sensor data 
display becomes slower, but stick response 
will improve.
Initial value: 1.0s 
Adjustment range: 0.1s~2.0s
* If there are many FASSTest systems turned on around your 
receiver, it might not link to your transmitter. In this case, 
even if the receiver's LED stays solid green, unfortunately 
the receiver might have established a link to one of other 
transmitters. This is very dangerous if you do not notice 
this situation. In order to avoid the problem, we strongly 
recommend you to doublecheck whether your receiver is 
really under control by your transmitter by giving the stick 
input and then checking the servo response.
*Do not perform the linking operation when the drive motor 
is connected or the engine is running.
* When you use two receivers, please be sure to setup a 
"primary" and "secondary" in the "dual" mode.
*Since two sets of receivers cannot be individually 
recognized without using a "primary" and "secondary" 
setup, it is impossible to receive telemetry data correctly. 
* You must link one receiver at a time. If both power 
supplies to the receivers are switched on simultaneously, 
data is received incorrectly  by the transmitter.
* If a dual receiver function is used, in order to receive 
sensor information correctly by both sets,  telemetry data 
will be slower compared to a single receiver setup. 
* You cannot link three receivers.
* Link is required when a system type is changed. 
* Linking is required whenever a new model is made. 
* Link is required when a system type is changed.
After the linking is done, please cycle receiver 
power and check that the receiver to be linked 
is really under the control of the transmitter.
Do not perform the linking procedure with 
motor's main wire connected or with the engine 
operating as it may result in serious injury.