Netopia CLI 874 User Manual

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2-130  Command Line Interface Commands Reference
Xauth configuration commands
The commands in this section are suppor ted beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode { disabled | client | concentrator }
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the Xauth extensions to IPsec, as client or 
concentrator when ike phase1 mode is set to aggressive. Default is disabled.
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database { local | radius }
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database
These commands allow you to specify the authentication database type to be used for Xauth user 
authentication when xauth mode is set to concentrator. If you specify radius, the Router will use the glo-
bally-configured RADIUS ser ver database. (IF xauth mode is set to client, it can only send the locally-configured 
username/password.) See 
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username name
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username
These commands allow you to set or show the the Xauth username specified by name.
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password password
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password
These commands allow you to set or show the the Xauth password specified by password.
Xauth Configuration Commands
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode { disabled | client | concentrator }
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database { local | radius }
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username name
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password password
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password