National Instruments 370753C-01 Manual De Usuario

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Chapter 1
particular system properties or to change the format of a system. These 
topics include continuous/discrete system conversion, as well as 
finding equivalent transfer function state-space representations. 
Chapter 3, 
, details Xmath functions that 
perform different types of linear system interconnections. It also 
discusses a number of simpler connections that have been 
implemented as overloaded operators on system objects. 
Chapter 4, 
, describes the Xmath functions relating to 
system stability and time-domain analysis. These include poles, zeros, 
and residue. The chapter moves from the discussion of time-domain 
stability to time-domain system simulation. Xmath provides built-in 
functions for obtaining impulse and step responses, as well as 
examining system response to arbitrary initial conditions. In addition, 
 section discusses a 
mathematically natural syntax for time-domain system simulation 
with any input.
Chapter 5, 
, discusses topics pertaining 
to classical feedback-based control design. These include root locus 
techniques and functions for frequency-domain analysis of 
closed-loop systems, given open-loop system descriptions. 
Chapter 6, 
, focuses on modern control. Beginning 
with the topics of system controllability and observability, it covers 
general pole placement, linear quadratic control, and system 
Bibliographic References
Throughout this document, bibliographic references are cited with 
bracketed entries. For example, a reference to [DeS74] corresponds to 
a document published by Desoer and Schulman in 1974. For a table of 
bibliographic references, refer to Appendix A, 
Commonly Used Nomenclature
This manual uses the following general nomenclature:
Matrix variables are generally denoted with capital letters; vectors are 
represented in lowercase.
G(s) is used to denote a transfer function of a system where s is the 
Laplace variable. G(q) is used when both continuous and discrete 
systems are allowed.