Crestron electronic 2 Manual De Usuario

Página de 60
Installation & Operation Manual
The boiler contains ceramic fiber materials.  
Use care when handling these materials per 
instructions on this page. Failure to comply 
could result in severe personal injury.
Cleaning boiler heat exchanger
1.  Shut down boiler:
• Follow the “To Turn Off Gas to Appliance” instructions 
  for the boiler in Section 9 - Startup.
• Do not drain the boiler unless it will be exposed to 
  freezing temperatures.  If using freeze prevention fluid 
  in system, do not drain.
2.  Allow time for the boiler to cool to room temperature if it 
has been firing.
3.  Remove the top access panel to remove the gas/air manifold 
4.  Remove the nuts securing the burner to the burner 
mounting plate.  Remove the burner (FIG. 11-2).
5.  Remove the nuts securing the burner mounting plate from 
the heat exchanger and set aside.  Remove the entire burner 
mounting plate assembly.
6.  Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any accumulation on the 
tube sheet surfaces.  Do not use any solvent.
7.  Brush the heat exchanger (tube sheet, combustion chamber 
walls, and tube entry) while dry using a nylon bristle brush.  
Caution:  DO NOT use a metal brush.  Re-vacuum the heat 
8.  Finish cleaning using a clean cloth dampened with warm 
9.  Temporarily remove the condensate drain line from the 
condensate trap and route directly to a drain.
10. Rinse out debris with a low pressure water supply.  The 
water will drain through the condensate connection.
11.  Allow the heat exchanger to thoroughly dry.
12.  Reconnect the condensate drain line to the condensate trap.
13.  Close isolation valves on piping to isolate boiler from 
system.  Attach a hose to the boiler drain and flush boiler 
thoroughly with clean water by using purging valves to 
allow water to flow through the water make-up line to the 
14.  When securing the burner, be sure to tighten the nuts, but 
DO NOT over-tighten. Tighten the nuts to a torque setting 
of no more than 6.2 ft.-lbs.  When securing the burner 
mounting plate be sure to tighten the nuts, but DO NOT 
over-tighten.  Tighten the nuts to a torque setting of no 
more than 15.5 ft.-lbs.
Handling ceramic fiber materials
The combustion chamber insulation in this 
appliance contains ceramic fiber material. 
Ceramic fibers can be converted to cristobalite 
in very high temperature applications.  The 
International Agency for Research on Cancer 
(IARC) has concluded, “Crystalline silica in the 
form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational 
sources is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).”  
Normal operating temperatures in this appliance 
are below the level to convert ceramic fibers to 
cristobalite.  Abnormal operating conditions 
would have to be created to convert the ceramic 
fibers in this appliance to cristobalite.
The ceramic fiber material used in this appliance 
is an irritant; when handling or replacing the 
ceramic materials it is advisable that the installer 
follow these safety guidelines.
Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin 
and eyes.
•  Use  NIOSH  certified  dust  respirator  (N95).       
  This type of respirator is based on the OSHA 
 requirements for cristobalite at the 
time this document was written. 
Other types of respirators may 
 be needed depending on the job 
site conditions.  Current NIOSH 
 recommendations can be found on 
the NIOSH website at http://
  w w w . c d c . g o v / n i o s h / h o m e p a g e .
 html.  NIOSH approved respirators, 
 manufacturers, and phone numbers are 
  also listed on this website.
• Wear long-sleeved, loose fitting clothing, 
  gloves, and eye protection.
Apply enough water to the combustion 
chamber lining to prevent airborne dust.
  Remove the combustion chamber lining 
from the boiler and place it in a plastic bag 
for disposal.
  Wash potentially contaminated clothes 
separately from other clothing.  Rinse 
clothes washer thoroughly.
NIOSH stated First Aid.
  Eye:  Irrigate immediately.  
  Breathing:  Fresh air.
15. Replace the burner mounting plate assembly and gas/air 
manifold assembly.  Ensure gaskets are in good condition 
and positioned properly.  Restore boiler to operation.
16. Perform start-up and check-out procedures in the Check 
Flame and Combustion - Section 9 - Startup on pages 42 
and 44 of this manual.
Review with owner
1.  Review the Crest User’s Information Manual with the 
2.  Emphasize the need to perform the maintenance schedule 
specified in the Crest User’s Information Manual (and in 
this manual as well).
3.  Remind the owner of the need to call a licensed contractor 
should the boiler or system exhibit any unusual behavior.
4.  Remind the owner to follow the proper shutdown procedure 
and to schedule an annual start-up at the beginning of the 
next heating season.