Cisco Systems OL-11291-01 Manual De Usuario

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User Guide for Internetwork Performance Monitor
Chapter 3      Using IPM to Measure Network Performance
    Measuring Network Performance for UDP
Step 9
Click Add
IPM adds the newly defined operation to the IPM database.
Step 10
Click Close to close the Configuration window.
For more detailed information about the options available from the UDP Operation Configuration 
window, see the “UDP Operation Configuration Window” topic in the online help.
Viewing Statistics for UDP
The UDP Historical Statistics window displays statistical and graphical information gathered over the 
monitoring period for the selected UDP collector.
To view end-to-end statistics for UDP:
Step 1
From the IPM Main Window, select one or more UDP collectors (up to 10).
Step 2
Select View > Statistics.
The UDP Historical Statistics window (
) appears.
Figure 3-23
UDP Historical Statistics Window