Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S170 Guía Del Usuario

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Cisco IronPort AsyncOS 7.5.7 for Web User Guide
Chapter 17      Notifying End Users
End-User Acknowledgement Page
You can choose whether or not to preview the URL you enter by clicking the Preview Custom 
URL link.
Step 4
Submit and commit your changes.
End-User Acknowledgement Page
You can configure the Web Security appliance to inform users that it is filtering and monitoring their 
web activity. The appliance does this by displaying an end-user acknowledgement page when a user first 
accesses a browser after a certain period of time. When the end-user acknowledgement page appears, 
users must click a link to access the original site requested or any other website.
You might want to use an end-user acknowledgement page to force users to explicitly agree to the terms 
and conditions for browsing the World Wide Web from the organization’s network. This might be useful 
when the Web Proxy is in transparent mode because web users will not otherwise know that their web 
transactions are being filtered and monitored for security purposes.
When you configure the appliance to display an end-user acknowledgement page, it does so for every 
user accessing the web using HTTP or HTTPS. It displays the end-user acknowledgement page when a 
user tries to access a website for the first time, or after a configured time interval. 
The Web Proxy tracks users by username if authentication has made a username available. If no user 
name is available, you can choose how to track users, either by IP address or web browser session cookie.
Native FTP transactions are exempt from the end-user acknowledgement page.
 describes the settings you can configure when you enable the end-user acknowledgement 
Table 17-5
End-User Acknowledgement Page Settings
Time Between 
The Time Between Acknowledgements determines how often the Web Proxy 
displays the end-user acknowledgement page for each user. Once a user 
clicks the link on the end-user acknowledgement page, the Web Proxy 
considers that user to have acknowledged the proxy for the time you enter 
for the Time Between Acknowledgements. This setting applies to users 
tracked by username and users tracked by IP address or session cookie. You 
can specify any value from 30 to 2678400 seconds (one month). Default is 
one day (86400 seconds). 
When the Time Between Acknowledgements changes and is committed, the 
Web Proxy uses the new value even for users who have already 
acknowledged the Web Proxy. 
Inactivity Timeout
The Inactivity Timeout determines how long a user tracked and 
acknowledged by IP address or session cookie (unauthenticated users only) 
can be idle before the user is no longer considered acknowledged. You can 
specify any value from 30 to 2678400 seconds (one month). Default is four 
hours (14400 seconds).