Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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system recorded announcements to speak the data (depending on IVR Service locale support
and capabilities).
Note: These ECC variables must be set in the Unified ICME script prior to executing the
micro-application that they modify.
How Micro-Applications Use External VoiceXML
The Play Media and Get Speech micro-applications can be used to render external .vxml; that
is, text Voice-XML files. To access the external file, the Media File Component of the Network
VRU Script’s VRU Script Name field must point to a .vxml file and specify V as the Media
Library Type parameter.
The external VoiceXML file must contain particular call control catch blocks and must not
execute call control, as Unified CVP and Unified ICME must be responsible for all call control.
(For more information, see the "
Dynamic Audio File Support for Micro-Applications
In ISN 2.0 (an earlier release of Unified CVP), all audio files needed to be specified in the VRU
Script Name of the Play Media, Menu, Get Digits and Get Speech micro-applications. Unified
CVP gives you the capability to use a single micro-application and specify the prompt using
call variables and the ICM formula editor.
To provide dynamic audio file capability, you set the second VRU script parameter to a numeric
value, 1-10, prefixed by a dash. You then set the Media Library to either “A”, “S”, or “V”.
Unified CVP looks in the corresponding Call.PeripheralVariable for the name of the audio file
to play.
When you set the Media Library to “A” or “S”, Unified CVP plays the audio file specified by
the Call Variable after the “-(number)”. For example, if the second VRU Script Parameter is
set to “-4”, it plays the audio file specified in Call.PeripheralVariable4. This functionality is
added for Play Media, Menu, Get Digits, and Get Speech micro-applications.
If you set the Media Library to “V”, Unified CVP calls the external VoiceXML file specified
by the Call Variable after the “-(number)”. If the Script Parameter is set to “-7”, for example,
it calls the external VoiceXML file specified in Call.PeripheralVariable7.
Note: The “V” option is only supported for the Play Media and Get Speech micro-applications.
Corresponding Call Variable
Second VRU Script Parameter
Call.VariableParameter (-1 to -10)
-1 to -10
For an example of how to use a dynamic audio file, see the following table.
VRU Script Parameter Example
PM - Utilizes the Play Media micro-application.
PM, -3,V
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 4: Writing Scripts for Unified CVP
Using Unified CVP Micro-Applications